Thursday 25 November 2010

Location Permission Letter - Flat Front Room

This is a permission letter from the person who's flat we will use to film scene for our music video. The scene will be in the front room of a flat and the person (Lewis) has signed to give his permission for us to film there and for the footage to be uploaded to YouTube.

Monday 22 November 2010

DigiPack Artwork

This is the the first draft artwork for the digiPack. It features six panels (including the disc). On the front is the heart in a bowl image that is also featured on the advert for the band. It was also feature images of the band members and bio's for each member.

First Draft Advert

This is my first draft for my music advert for the band. It features the artwork from the front cover of their album as well as tour dates and star reviews. It features a black place mat with a pure white bowl on in. In the bowl is a heart and blood. There is also a spoon next to it, symbolising it is there to be eaten. It also features the name of the album"Blood For Breakfast" and the name of the band "The Damned".

Talent Release Forms

These are talent release forms. They give permission from the people featured in the video that we are aloud to film them and use the footage we collect.

Shooting Schedule

This is our shooting schedule. It shows the dates we will be filming and who is needed for each scene.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Props, Make up and Equipment

This is the list of things we will need etc. The costumes will be very simple as they are easily accessible by the band members. The equipment is also easy to get a hold of as we have access to it already. We will need to get the props that we will need for the scenes in the flat.


The concept for our music video is a love/break up video, however the video will focus more on how the man deals with the break up rather than the break up itself. We didn't want the traditional pop music idea to come across as that doesn't suit our genre of song, so we have made the idea more dark and violent. We will show the lead male actor in his flat going "insane" due to the break up, we will show him turning to alcohol and generally doing nothing with his life. We also will feature the band playing the song, we will cut between the two scenes as we do want to show off the band because they are the ones who we are trying to promote.

Monday 8 November 2010

Practice CD Cover Art

This is my first use of Photoshop. I created a mock CD cover, using an image of our lead singer. It also use conventional colours such as black, red and grey. The title also suits the music "Deranged".

Location Shots

This room was not suitable for us as it was too narrow. It was difficult to get different shots as there was limited space to move. Also the drummer was blocked from view a lot by the singer and guitarists.

This was the first studio we looked at. We felt that it didn't quite have the right look that we wanted for our band image. The sofa seemed out of place and we were unable to to change lighting well, because the lights could only be either on or off.

This is the studio that we used to shoot video of our band playing.

Prop List

Bass Guitar.
Drum Kit.
Microphone stand.
Sugar glass bottle.
Old empty alcohol bottles.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Initial Story Boards

These are the first storyboards I produced for our music video. They include shots we are thinking of using however they are not necessarily in that order as we will do this at a latter stage.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Track Permission Email

It is important to get this permission as we do not own the music or anything related to the song or the band itself. It could be seen as copyright infringement if we do not ask for permission. To do this I researched my band and found out their record label (WMG) and then navigated their website to a "Contact us" page. Here I filled out the query we had over the song.