Thursday 25 November 2010

Location Permission Letter - Flat Front Room

This is a permission letter from the person who's flat we will use to film scene for our music video. The scene will be in the front room of a flat and the person (Lewis) has signed to give his permission for us to film there and for the footage to be uploaded to YouTube.

Monday 22 November 2010

DigiPack Artwork

This is the the first draft artwork for the digiPack. It features six panels (including the disc). On the front is the heart in a bowl image that is also featured on the advert for the band. It was also feature images of the band members and bio's for each member.

First Draft Advert

This is my first draft for my music advert for the band. It features the artwork from the front cover of their album as well as tour dates and star reviews. It features a black place mat with a pure white bowl on in. In the bowl is a heart and blood. There is also a spoon next to it, symbolising it is there to be eaten. It also features the name of the album"Blood For Breakfast" and the name of the band "The Damned".

Talent Release Forms

These are talent release forms. They give permission from the people featured in the video that we are aloud to film them and use the footage we collect.

Shooting Schedule

This is our shooting schedule. It shows the dates we will be filming and who is needed for each scene.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Props, Make up and Equipment

This is the list of things we will need etc. The costumes will be very simple as they are easily accessible by the band members. The equipment is also easy to get a hold of as we have access to it already. We will need to get the props that we will need for the scenes in the flat.


The concept for our music video is a love/break up video, however the video will focus more on how the man deals with the break up rather than the break up itself. We didn't want the traditional pop music idea to come across as that doesn't suit our genre of song, so we have made the idea more dark and violent. We will show the lead male actor in his flat going "insane" due to the break up, we will show him turning to alcohol and generally doing nothing with his life. We also will feature the band playing the song, we will cut between the two scenes as we do want to show off the band because they are the ones who we are trying to promote.

Monday 8 November 2010

Practice CD Cover Art

This is my first use of Photoshop. I created a mock CD cover, using an image of our lead singer. It also use conventional colours such as black, red and grey. The title also suits the music "Deranged".

Location Shots

This room was not suitable for us as it was too narrow. It was difficult to get different shots as there was limited space to move. Also the drummer was blocked from view a lot by the singer and guitarists.

This was the first studio we looked at. We felt that it didn't quite have the right look that we wanted for our band image. The sofa seemed out of place and we were unable to to change lighting well, because the lights could only be either on or off.

This is the studio that we used to shoot video of our band playing.

Prop List

Bass Guitar.
Drum Kit.
Microphone stand.
Sugar glass bottle.
Old empty alcohol bottles.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Initial Story Boards

These are the first storyboards I produced for our music video. They include shots we are thinking of using however they are not necessarily in that order as we will do this at a latter stage.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Track Permission Email

It is important to get this permission as we do not own the music or anything related to the song or the band itself. It could be seen as copyright infringement if we do not ask for permission. To do this I researched my band and found out their record label (WMG) and then navigated their website to a "Contact us" page. Here I filled out the query we had over the song.

Monday 11 October 2010

Green Screen, Video Shoot and Final Cut

Today we used the green screen for the first time. It took a while to set up but was a great help to what we need to do within out music video. We filmed some classmates acting out a song in front of it. While doing this I learnt some things that are very important when it comes to the real thing:

1) Use multiple cameras at the same time. This will get different angles/size shots while only performing the song once.

2) We need a floor manager who will make sure that all three cameras are recording and that everyone is ready before anything starts.

3) The floor manager needs to count the start of the song in so that later on so all pieces of film can be cut in sync.

We also had a quick go on Final Cut Pro. This software is a lot more advanced and very helpful when making music videos. As we used a green screen we was able to cut the back ground out and put the image left over on to any background/other image. It was quite complicated but I have already used tools such as the "blade".

Thursday 30 September 2010

Image Annotation

My artist will be shown as a band of the rock genre. The colours they will wear and that will be included on the ancilary tasks will be mainly black, red and other dark colours. Our performers should have piercings and tattoos and would have hair cuts that suit the genre. I will represent them as quite heavy rockers as the song suits that look, however it is not too heavy as the lyrics are about love and there is no swearing. Shots of them will vary in length but will generally be quite quick. The lighting around them will be quite dark but may get lighter on certain parts of the song depending if it works well. They will play their own instruments as the genre is quite authentic and not all done through synthesisers and computers.

Annotated Lyrics

The lyrics for "Almost Easy" by "Avenged Sevenfold"

Monday 27 September 2010

Planning-Job Roles

We decided upon what jobs we would do during the project, these were:

Me- Location scout/Editing/Camera
Tom- Actor scout/Editing/Camera
Hayley- Mise-en-scene/Editing/Camera

Planning-Initial Thoughts

Me, Tom and Hayley talked about what our music video could entail. We are thinking of possibly showing a love story as this goes well with the lyrics of out song. We also have many idea to do with editing. These ideas are mainly based on the speed of the music so they would be in sync. We also had an interesting idea that would involve using a green screen. The idea was to film a busy street, and then put out lead singer into the setting but speed up the background whilst the lead singer stays at normal speed. We also have possible locations for where the band could play and where the love story could take place.


I used Photoshop for the first time to create a mock CD cover. This helped me get to grips with the software and all the tools that can be used to help me create my groups digi pack. I used certain tools including; Quick Selection (Also know as the magic wand) this was helpful as I imported a photo and was able to cut out the background so I could then put it on to another layer. I also used the paint bucket tool which I used to create the colour for the back ground as a different layer. I used the text tool to insert the name of the band that I made up, here I also edited the font and size of the text. At one point I had to use the eraser tool which I used to erase a mistake, this was good as different sizes could be selected. To get the font I wanted I went on to a website called "" which was very useful. I then imported this font and was able to write what I wanted with it.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Record Label Research-Epitaph Records

Epitaph Records formed in 1993 and is owned by Brett Gurewitz. It mainly signs punk and pop punk groups, but has taken into post hardcore and emo bands.

Some notable bands thatEpitaph Records have signed are:

Alkaline Trio.

The Blackout.

Parkway Drive.

You Me At Six.

Record Label Research-Hopeless Records

They are and independent record label based in Los Angeles. In 1993 Louise Posen started the label with help from some private investors to start it up. It's artists are normally of the rock genre but this includes Pop Rock, Punk Rock and Alternative Rock.

Some notable bands that have been signed or are signed to Hopeless Records include:

Avenged Sevenfold.


All Time Low.

Record Label Research-Warner Group Music

Warner Group Music is the third largest record label in the world. It originated in 1958 as a division of Warner Bros. Movie studio. During tis tie Warner bought Reprise Records that was owned by Frank Sinatra, this bought Mo Ostin to the company who is thought to be the main reason behind the success of the Label. It has another division in Canada called Warner MusicCanada Co.

Some notable artists signed to Warner Music Group are:

Avenged Sevenfold.

Johnny Cash.


Ben E King.


Led Zeppelin.



Monday 13 September 2010

Carol Vernallis

Carol Vernallis theory; The kindest cuts, functions and meanings in music video editing.

Editing in pop music videos and Hollywood

Pop videos:

Uses continuity editing but uses a lot more montage editing.
Rules are purposely broke. Eg: 180 degree rule.
Uses graphic matches.
Uses lots of motion.
They are normally very dynamic.
Uses lots of angles.


Uses mostly continuity editing as it is telling more of a story.
Follows rules. Eg. 180 degree rule.
Uses graphic matches.
Motion is used but only when needed to create a mood or atmosphere.
Uses lots of angles but they have a meaning to them.

Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin identified three different approaches to the structure of a music video according to the relationship between the sound and the image being shown.


The music always cuts on the beat.
The video will illustrate the literal meaning/feeling of the lyrics.
The band image will be how you expect it. The video will focus on the band showing what they can do such as dancing, singing and playing instruments.


The music cuts on the beat but can cut off beat to emphasis certain parts of the video.
The lyrics will be taken and shown in a different, deeper meaning kind of way.
The band take on fictional characters in the video's narrative and do not represent themselves.


Music cuts off beat for a reason, this could be seen as badly edited video so must be done properly.
The video will show images that do not relate to the lyrics.
The band take on an image that is nothing like or the complete opposite of the expected image.

CD Cover Conventions

The front cover usually has:

The name of the band.

The name of the album.

An image of some sort.

Sometimes reviews (Like star ratings).

The back cover usually has:

The list of the songs on the album.

An image of some sort.

A barcode.

A price.

Maybe a review.

The record company.

A bit at the bottom about the copyright and who owns what.

CD Cover Research 3-Parkway Drive-Killing With A Smile

The image on the front cover is quite bold and shocking. It features a person sat up against a wall bleding. Their hand has blood on it and there is a trail of blood running along the floor. The jeans and trainers the person is wearing suggests they are male and are of quite a young age. The cover is very gritty and dirty. The camera is low to the ground and shows a concrete floor which is quite dirty. The title in the bottom right hand corner is very gritty and un-defined, it could be some kind of graffitti scribbled on the ground.

The title of the album "Killing with a smile" is written underneath the bands name and looks as though it has been scratched into the cover, it also has a line through the centre of it like its been scratched out.

CD Cover Research 2-Darkest Hour-Deliver Us

The album is a graphic image and is very abstract. Perhaps conveying the trend in this genre of music as bands tend not to folow the main stream look and sound. The graphic features a girl is covering her face from what to appear to be insects. The girl looks very ill and has some kind of skin disease, there also is bones coming from behind her which fits the dark/horror sense of the genre.

The title is written in a similar graphical way and is very untidy and un-defined as there seems to bits of colour coming off of the words. There is no defined line around each letter. The cover is actually quite colourful which is uncommon for a band of this genre but it does make up for it in terms of the actual image that has been drawn.

CD Cover Research 1-August Burns Red-Messengers

Firstly the album is quite dark. The main image on the front is of a pale hand holding a lit candle. The image looks very grainy and old, it also looks like it is cracked like an old photgraph. It could be a close up used in a horror film as it makes me think of someone down in a basement with just one candle for light and something scary is around the person.

The title of the band "August Burns Red" is in block capitals making it very bold and easily readable. The title of the album :Messengers" is underneath in the same font and style but is in a red colour making it disinguishable between the bands name.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Music Video Research Save Our Selves-The Blackout

The band are in a courtyard outside. There is more than the traditional four person band. There are two lead singers, a drummer and three guitarists. The band members definitely follow the style of the genre but not to the extent of other bands. Some have the hair style associated with this genre, other have tattoos and piercings. Being two singers one takes a more screamo approach whilst the other doesn't. There is a cut aways to a storyline which is not that clear however it does break up the shots of the band. They wear black with hints of red which is stereotypical. The camera moves quite a lot and is often focusing and re focusing to give a sense of movement and blurriness. There is also girls with their faces painted as skulls who are featured throughout the video which plays into the evil/creepy side of things.

Music Video Research Between Angels And Insects-Papa Roach

The video centres on the band themselves with no real cut away story line. The band are situated in a dark room with brick walls around the sides there is very little colour in this room and everything is a variant of black and grey. Once again there is two guitar players, a drummer and a singer who is not playing an instrument. Despite the lack of story line the video is still quite interesting as the camera is never really stationary, it also gets closer to the band members and ends up zooming inside their heads. Members of the band have tattoos and piercings as well as jewellery. The camera is also used well when things like a fast forwarded pan are used. The camera is panning the drummer but then speeds up for a second and slows down again and then speeds up and slows down once more, all in one pan. The band members are very lively and do not just stand there. The video also uses slow motion in places

Music Video Research The Bird And The Work - The Used

The video starts off with a line of people of which most fit the style you would expect to be associated with this genre. They have black make up on, piercings and tattoos. The lead singer is then in a room where a close up is shown of his arm bleeding. The video is very jumpy and uses fast forwards or jump cut editing throughout. When the video cuts away to the band playing they have the stereotypical guitars and drums with the lead singer not playing an instrument. They are against a back drop where a shadow effect is used showing hanging tree branches that wouldn't look out of place in a horror movie. Large lights at the back flash at certain points to give the sense of lightning, they also change to the tempo of the music in some parts. The video focuses on strange aspects for example when the lead singer looks through the spy hole of the door he sees a man walking very twisted which is similar to a scene in the horror film The Grudge. There is also another scene where he is looking in a mirror and his reflection is alive, it then tries to pull him into the mirror. There are some cut aways to things like a work on the floor which has a literal meaning given the name of the song. The overall mise-en-scene is very dark and creepy which suits the songs well.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Music Video Research Composure-August Burns Red

This music video shows the band in a differently to other music videos. When it cuts to the band they are outside and natural lighting is used making it very bright, which is strange as this genre is commonly associated with darkness. The lead singer is not playing and instrument and there is two guitarits and a drummer. When the video cuts to the story it is outside and set at night making it very dark. The singing in this is screamo which the lead singer does alone. The guitarist also headbang while playing the guitars. The story part of the video shows a man who seems to be in trouble and is running from someone in a car. He seems in pain and falls to the ground which is covered in dirt. This just backs up the sense of darkness and the grittyness of the genre. The band members to have tatoos but not as many as other bands of the same genre. The camera is again handheld making it very jumpy, rished and panicked. The setting where the band are located doesn't appear to suit the genre of music as they are standing in a field. It is very green, bright, sunny and therefore quite happy. This is perhaps challenging the themes of the genre aas this is not typical.

Music Video Research Afterlife-Avenged Sevenfold

The music starts off very fast and heavy. The lighting is quite dark and the band members are shown playing their instruments such as guitar and drums. The band members also have lots of tatoos and piercings. There are close ups of the lead singer who isnt playing an instrument. There is also some midshots of the drummer and the guitarist. The camera is hand held on all shots making it very shakey wich suits the song and beat well. The camera is also raely static which just adds to the feel of this genre. There are some cut aways to things that are part of the story however the video mainly focuses on the band playing their instruments. On the corus the song takes a slow beat and the editing of the shots mirrors this as the shots begin to fade between each other but they are still quick edits. Also on the corus the location of the band changes. As the corus is slightly lighter and slower the band play their instruments in a pure white room and there is also images of white doves which is all seen as very pure. On the guitar solo the two guitarists step forward and the lead singer is no longer the focus. There is mid shots and close ups of the guitarist playing the solo.

Conventions of Metal/Hard Rock

Metal/Hard Rock

Playing guitars.
Playing drums.
Singer. (Often screamo).
Main colours include black/grey and red.
Band members often have tatoos.
Band members also often have piercings.
They have have certain hairstyles that are associated with the genre.
The music is very heavy and loud.
There is also a sense of darkness and evill associated with bands of the genre.
Fans of the genre often create mosh pits when at live gigs.
Band members and fans head bang.
May also be a lot of swearing in songs.

Mood Board

The mood board shows themes that are commonly thought about this genre of music. For example a music channel that shows this genre and some bands that play this genre of music. Also there is a lot of black and red which goes with the theme of the devil and evil. There is also images of instruments such as guitars and drums wich are often played by bands of this genre.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Music Video Research Paramore-Misery Business

Music Video Research Scouting For Girls-Famous

Conventions Of A Music Video

There are many things that can be used when filming a music video:

Close ups (Of lead singer).
Change in location.
Change of outfit.
Close up of instruments.
May show a crowd in the video.
Cuts synced with the beat of the music.
Lip syncing which is essential in most music videos.
Long shots (Show location and entire band/group).
Tracking shots (Give the sense of movement and flow so it is not static)
Whip Pan (Could be used to change setting).
Crane (Could be used to give an overview of different perspectives).
Cuts (Speed/Length/Timing).
Transitions (Fades/Jump cuts/Flashes)

Wednesday 7 July 2010



1) What is your favourite genre of music?


2) What appeals to you in that genre?


3) Do you have cable/free view?


4) What music channels do you watch?


5) How often do you watch music videos?


6) Who is your favourite artist?


7) What is your favourite song?


8) Do you listen to what is on the radio, if so what stations?


9) How old are you ?


10) Gender:

Male [] Female []

Monday 28 June 2010

Graphical Editing

This relies on mise-en-scene and cinematography more as it uses graphical and pictorial elements.

Examples: Graphic Match: This is when two or more shots are linked together via a graphic such as a football in one shot and then the sun in the next shot.

Graphic Continuity: This is when a particular theme is present throughout the video like a specific colour or lighting level.

Rhythmic Editing

This type of editing is based on the length of shots, the speed of each shot, any patterns that shots may show synced with the music, also when the shots are cutting in relation to the music.

Examples: Making shots slowly longer as the video goes on. This can build tension or show a solution to the story of the music video.

Lots of shots in a row cut quickly together builds excitement and action.

If the song has a steady beat that may not get faster or slower then shots that are roughly the same length can be used.

Spatial Editing

This includes:

Continuity editing: this means that analytical space is created. It makes sense and stays continuous.

The Kuleshov Effect: This means that for example and face can be shown with a blank expression, if the next shot is an eye-line match the audience connects the two images so if you show the blank face and then show a bowl of soup the audience assumes that the person wants the soup even though their face is blank.

Crosscutting: This is used to show two scenes parallel to each other. It often emphasizes the two scenes making them more effective.

Temporal Editing

This is basically the manipulation of story time considering the order of events, the duration and the frequency.

This type of editing is used well when things like flashbacks and flash-forwards are shown. The plot can be altered by use of ellipsis.

Ellipsis includes punctuation, empty frames(this is when a figure moves out of one frame and is seen moving into the next frame. It also includes cutaways. This is when the attention is taking off the main point in the video (normally the lead singer) and something less important and sometimes random is shown just to mix up the video and make it more interesting.

Music Video Research Devendra Banhart feat. Cibelle-London,London

Music Video Research Bangzai Cookin'-Hifana

Music Video Research Jenny Again-Tuung

Music Video Research Blink 182- Down

Sunday 27 June 2010


A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with;

A cover for it's release.
A magazine advertisement.
My group consists of me, Tom and Hayley. Are chosen song is "Almost Easy" by "Avenged Sevenfold" which is in the hard rock/metal genre.