Sunday 12 September 2010

Music Video Research The Bird And The Work - The Used

The video starts off with a line of people of which most fit the style you would expect to be associated with this genre. They have black make up on, piercings and tattoos. The lead singer is then in a room where a close up is shown of his arm bleeding. The video is very jumpy and uses fast forwards or jump cut editing throughout. When the video cuts away to the band playing they have the stereotypical guitars and drums with the lead singer not playing an instrument. They are against a back drop where a shadow effect is used showing hanging tree branches that wouldn't look out of place in a horror movie. Large lights at the back flash at certain points to give the sense of lightning, they also change to the tempo of the music in some parts. The video focuses on strange aspects for example when the lead singer looks through the spy hole of the door he sees a man walking very twisted which is similar to a scene in the horror film The Grudge. There is also another scene where he is looking in a mirror and his reflection is alive, it then tries to pull him into the mirror. There are some cut aways to things like a work on the floor which has a literal meaning given the name of the song. The overall mise-en-scene is very dark and creepy which suits the songs well.

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