Monday 13 September 2010

Carol Vernallis

Carol Vernallis theory; The kindest cuts, functions and meanings in music video editing.

Editing in pop music videos and Hollywood

Pop videos:

Uses continuity editing but uses a lot more montage editing.
Rules are purposely broke. Eg: 180 degree rule.
Uses graphic matches.
Uses lots of motion.
They are normally very dynamic.
Uses lots of angles.


Uses mostly continuity editing as it is telling more of a story.
Follows rules. Eg. 180 degree rule.
Uses graphic matches.
Motion is used but only when needed to create a mood or atmosphere.
Uses lots of angles but they have a meaning to them.


  1. Give some more examples of the difference between the two and maybe add some pictures for visual images

  2. add pics and maybe embed a video of a example
