Thursday 9 September 2010

Music Video Research Composure-August Burns Red

This music video shows the band in a differently to other music videos. When it cuts to the band they are outside and natural lighting is used making it very bright, which is strange as this genre is commonly associated with darkness. The lead singer is not playing and instrument and there is two guitarits and a drummer. When the video cuts to the story it is outside and set at night making it very dark. The singing in this is screamo which the lead singer does alone. The guitarist also headbang while playing the guitars. The story part of the video shows a man who seems to be in trouble and is running from someone in a car. He seems in pain and falls to the ground which is covered in dirt. This just backs up the sense of darkness and the grittyness of the genre. The band members to have tatoos but not as many as other bands of the same genre. The camera is again handheld making it very jumpy, rished and panicked. The setting where the band are located doesn't appear to suit the genre of music as they are standing in a field. It is very green, bright, sunny and therefore quite happy. This is perhaps challenging the themes of the genre aas this is not typical.

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