Wednesday 9 March 2011

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

When planning both the music video and the ancillary tasks I used a number of technologies to help me. Firstly I used a digital camera to take photographs. These were of possible locations as well as of things that could be used on the ancillary tasks. Also I used Photoshop for the first time, as I made a mock CD front and back cover to just get a feel for the software and what it would be like when creating the real thing. I used Final Cut for the first time as well, we recorded as a class some people playing and singing along to a song and then I imported this to Final Cut and edited it to make it sync with the song.

The main photo used on the advertisement before the editing stage, PhotoShop was able to edit out everything that I didn't ned such as the brick wall.
One of the photos used on the digi pack before the editing stage, this one was used for the back cover. This photo was used in full as we didn't want to get rid of the back ground or any part of it because the contrast that was created work very well.


  1. good that you wrote about using PhotoShop before actually making the product - include a hyperlink to this blog post, isn't it?

    You will need to talk about these photos in a bit more detail because they don't really fit post tho

  2. I'm sure you can be more creative with presenting your information for the digital technologies. You are not really showing that you are a whizz with digital technologies right now! (meta!)

